Saturday, January 21, 2012

Spring Bouquet - Oil on linen 16 x 20" by Christine Marx

Gosh it's been so long between postings. I feel like the last two months have been a blur! It's been wonderful having my kids home from college, and all of the baking and the decorating. And now, finally the house is back in order and I have spent the past week locked in my studio. I was so happy to see all the beautiful tulips now available and dreams of spring are in my head. The planting catalogs are starting to appear and I am getting excited about new flowers to plant in my garden (that will eventually pose for me in my studio!) This all happened with hardly a trace of winter! So here is my first attempt at this year's tulips. I hope you like it.

To see more work please visit my website


blah said...

Pure awesomeness!

Unknown said...

I agree with Michael; plus...beautiful Christine.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! The dramatic dark background really compliments the colors of the tulips. Great job!

Christine Marx said...

Thank you so much Michael, Linda, and Charlotte!