Saturday, December 3, 2011



The story in the Patriot News told of local Vietnam veterans, who in 1998 became the official caretakers of The Lincoln Colored Cemetery, south of Mechanicsburg, mowing the grass, clearing debris and straightening the tombstones. The cemetery holds the remains of about 80 Afro-Americans. About 15 of them are Civil War veterans. Paul Kreiner, commander of the Vietnam Veterans in Mechanicsburg says'" It's a great honor. They are veterans and we are veterans. And we respect our veterans".
My husband and I sought out the cemetery and after a little detective work, we discovered whose property held the cemetery and I got permission from the owner to paint there with other plein air artists. The cemetery setting reminded me of Gettysburg, but much more humble.
It was a sunny, clear, beautful day, but so cold. I hope to return in the spring, when I stop shivering.


Dianne Lorden said...

You've set a perfect mood for this subject. All the amber tones are gloriously autumnal and perfect for depicting such a scene. My husband and I sought out (what we believe to be) the oldest cemetery in the county a couple of years back; a lonely place that would do well, I think, to sit for a portrait. I'll have to give it a try.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

I agree, the mood seems perfect... also done with dignity.

Christine Marx said...

Love your trees Cecilia. It's a wonderful composition.