Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cat Portrait in Watercolor by Debi Watson

This was for a Christmas present and I felt like being creative, so I used cat fur smeared on my paper and sprayed with gold and brown to create the background texture. I decided to call it the cat hair crackle. Then I painted the cat on top and let parts blend with the background. It was fun, but wet cat hair smells as bad as wet dog, so I don't think I'll do this again till I can open the windows. www.debwatson.org


Mary Beth Brath said...

How lovely to see this painting early in the morning to start my day off on a positive note! Beautiful.

Linda said...

Great cat portrait! Perhaps the fur inspired you in spite of the odor.

Unknown said...

Your description made me laugh. You are great at experimenting!

Debra Kreiger said...

Wonderful Deb. I would have never thought to use the cat hair as I try to avoid it in my paintings and paint! Made me laugh! Such a sweet face this cat has. I like the textured background.

Deb Watson said...

It seems like I have a minimum amount of cat hair that fate just wants me to have on my paintings. I was hoping to use it all up on one so maybe future works can be cat hair free.

Unknown said...

Cute kitty!