Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wagner's View Watercolor Still Life with Violin/Bust by Daily Painter Bertie Brown - Art is Instrumental

Wagner's View

original watercolor still life with violin/bust: 16" x 15"

In Wagner’s opinion

The world’s a great stage

Where music is heard

With no discouraging word

The strings set the tone

With synchronized bows

The woodwinds fairly sing

Till the brass enter in

And give a loud shout

As percussion dance about

It’s all relative

As time surely tells

In life’s ebb and flow

Season’s come and they go.....


Watercolors by Bertie Brown - Art is Instrumental


for info click: email

1 comment:

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

The complex textures in your painting mirror the complex music of Wagner, Bertie - beautiful!