Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Peaceful Place ~ by Linda Young

©Linda Young 2011
4 x 6" watercolor
Title:  A peaceful place
A small painting just to get back into the swing of things.  After a week of work and travel to Philadelphia, I needed to find a quiet place to rest my brain.  I found it and put it to a painting titled "A peaceful place'.  An image of this painting was donated to Carlisle C.A.R.E.S. for greeting cards.   The C.A.R.E.S. organization will sell the cards and proceeds will go toward making a difference to many homeless individuals, including children who come through their doors seeking help.  Carlisle is my hometown, and homelessness hits even the smallest of communities like mine.  With government cutting funding, the task becomes even more daunting to find enough resources to do the work that is needed.  Please support them through your generous tax deductible donation on their website via the PayPal logo.  Help us help the homeless. 


Mary Beth Brath said...

Linda - I would like to learn more about this organization. Great post and thank you for sharing the information.

Unknown said...

Click on the link in the post and it will take you to their website where you can read more about it. They are struggling to make ends meet and need all the help they can get to keep helping the homeless help themselves. It is a way for them to try to get a job because it allows them to give an address to the potential employer too. Without an address, they can't get a job. ...more on the website.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

A lovely, tranquil painting that is going to a fantastic cause, Linda.