Friday, November 4, 2011

Work in Progress by Tatiana Myers

I'm ready to post some updates on my kiwi painting. By now I went trough several glazing stages,
starting from #1 (on the top) and the most current stage is pictures below.
I'm pretty happy with it at the moment. Look like I corrected most of mistakes I made at beginning and now
may simply work on more and more of improvement. I hope to see it finished sometime at the end of November.
The most hard part is to leave it along and let every stage to dry properly. This is why I'm working on so many small paintings - just to fill the gaps in between of stages in my work with this one.

********************************* be continued.....

With questions about paintings e-mail me at .
To see more of my works visit my web site:



blah said...

Another wow! Can't wait to see it completed! What a process!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Michael! I'm here with you- also can not wait to see it completed!... But i will wait if it what it takes.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I am loving seeing this in the different stages, Tatiana. This is going to be another winner!

Kathy Michels said...

This is beautiful Tatiana. It has been so fun to watch the process with this one. It is coming out amazing.

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Claire and Kathy!
It is better be good!.. This is one of my 3 entries for upcoming group show in Vegas next spring. I have to do my very best to keep up with the rest of painters... what are totally amazing. I'm very much looking forward to it, but unlikely other shows it makes me slightly nervous... maybe from all the excitement, maybe from the fact I really have to push myself to match the rest of entries... Oh, well, it is only making everything even more interesting.