Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wyoming's Sunset. Pastel by Tatiana Myers.

"Wyoming's sunset"
8 x 10" Pastel on sanded paper. 

So far I let my oil painting sit around and dry I returned to some pastels. After we returned from Wyoming, I have to many beautiful  paintings in mind... hard to choose which one to do first. I would like to do those generally bigger, but my favorite Ampersand board didn't work for me well this time and I had to downgrade to this smaller 8x10" mounted Wallis, what happened to be just what I needed. I think I will have to get some more of Wallis and spend some time to make more board... What is all right too, it is not that hard. Looking forward to paint more! 

With questions about paintings e-mail me at TanyaOfOz@aol.com .
To see more of my works visit my web site:


blah said...

Beautiful! Love the colors and depth!

Susan Roux said...

Very pretty. The colors are striking.

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Michael and Susan!

Julie Riker said...

Very beautiful and natural color, Tatiana!

Cecelia Lyden said...

The light on the mountain peak is luminous amd beautiful.

Patricia A. Griffin said...

Ohhh so wonderful!

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

The streak of warmth through the center is wonderful. I also like the balance of warmth on the left side of the mountain.

Debra Kreiger said...

Nice painting Tatiana! Love the colors, and the textures in the forground are awesome.

Tatiana said...

Julie, Cecelia, Patricia, Maria and Debra - thank you very much!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I love the colors in this, Tatiana. I think I am going to love the paintings that come out of your trip out west this past summer...just lovely!

Kathy Michels said...

I agree with everyone. The colors are just so beautiful here. Such a peaceful place.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Be still my heart. What gorgeous color.

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Claire! I'm working on second painting right now... Total joy!

Thank You, Kathy and Mary Beth!

Taryn Day said...

Just beautiful, Tatiana.

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Taryn!