Monday, October 10, 2011

Oil work in progress by Michael LeKites

I have several titles rolling around but nothing settled yet. This is a painting of an angel or Seraphim, depending on whether I add wings, which at this point I am leaning against. She is holding the Bible and candle, obviously, representing God's Word as light to the world. I've continued working on skin tones and background color and cleaning up proportions. Still much work to do. Oil on canvas, 16x20.


Unknown said...

This looks like the painting we have on our wall of a young girl with long dark hair, candle and a mountain sunset behind her. Yours is much more colorful.

Cecelia Lyden said...

The face is so soft yet strong--the candlelight is beautifully rendered.

blah said...

Images of men and women standing with torches/candles have been common throughout history. America used to have a female representation, sort of like a female Uncle Sam, called Columbia. She was used often in political cartoons, ads or notices. She pretty much faded into oblivion after we were given the Statue of Liberty, which took her place.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

I also like the glow and strength on her face.

Deborah Nell said...

Yes, the glow from the candle shining on her face is what draws me in.

Tatiana said...

Beautiful, Michael. Looking forward to see what you will do with background.