Sunday, October 9, 2011

Still life with Kiwi. Second stage of tempera. WIP by Tatiana Myers

Some updates on my latest Still Life...
After first layer of white tempera was dry I carefully worked over it some amount of yellow oil paint  with just a hint of white added to it. This stage has to be done by hand (literally!) and I can say it was fun experience. End result of it you can see below. In a few days, when yellow paint was mostly dry, I started working with white tempera over it. this time it was much more easy compare to the first stage of tempera. I'm pretty sure amount of medium I used for the second stage was more correct and changed everything making things simpler... What was great. After this second stage was finished, I partially lost some value in few places of painting, but I'll work on it when it will be time for local color. Now however it is time for more drying and then I will have to repeat all over again with blue oil and white tempera. Sounds like fun!...

To be continued...


Mary Beth Brath said...

Very fascinating to watch your process. This is going to be a treasure also!

Tatiana said...

Do not know about "treasure" part, Mary beth, unless we are talking of learning experience. :-) I think when I will be done with this one I will be ready to do next one much easier... Mixing of right medium is a comedy or errors, but I'm getting better with it... I hope!..