Saturday, October 8, 2011

Signature Membership - Kathy Michels

I received great news today that I was juried into signature membership
through the Baltimore Watercolor Society!


Unknown said...

Congratulations, Kathy! Saw you painting "At Least the Monkey is Happy" at the PWS reception today. It is a great painting!

Unknown said...

Great news! Congratulations; you deserve it.

Tatiana said...

Congratulations, Kathy! This is great!

Deborah Nell said...

So happy for you. Congratulations!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Congratulations Kathy - this is a wonderful achievement and well deserved.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Yay, congrats!

Kathy Michels said...

Thank you everyone - I am definitely excited to have my signature membership with Baltimore!