Monday, October 17, 2011

Lake Marburg by Mary Beth Brath

Hello Everyone!  I am happy to be back to blogging after a couple of weeks of computer problems, changes and upgrades.  This is the first painting that I have been able to photograph and edit in my new editing program.

Lake Marburg - Codorus State Park
11x14" Acrylic on Canvas

I have painted this scene a few times.  My children love to play at this area so I keep going back to the same location with them.


Taryn Day said...

Nice clarity, with clean colors and great sense of light.

blah said...

Very very nice! Love your atmosphere and the horizon! I love nice design and good composition. You've got your dark shadow/reflection across the water that balances so well with the white cloud coming from the top in the opposite direction. These are the things that make work appealing to the eye. The kinds of things that naturally attract a viewer. Very good job!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Thanks for the wonderful comments and inspiration!