Monday, October 17, 2011

"Bridled" and "A Respectable Bird" by Taryn Day

Here are a couple more animal portraits, both oil on panel and 6x6 inches. 
Sometimes when I've been staring at a painting for a couple of days I get to the point where I honestly don't know what I think of it anymore.  I think I like these, but I'm not sure!  Does this happen to anyone else?
To see more of my work visit:
My Daily Paintworks Gallery
Awake and Painting Blog
Taryn Day Fine Art


blah said...

Love the bottom one especially! That red really grabs your eye! Very nice!

Ron Donoughe said...

you're a wild woman. love the close risky cropping - it is so surprising in the way the masses are distributed

Unknown said...

Taryn, I think they both are beautiful! I like you painterly style-wish I could loosen up more. I know what you mean about not being sure how you feel about each painting but I think with me I expect more from myself. I want each painting to be perfect and if I stop striving for perfect, I will not grow or improve.

Mary Beth Brath said...

I always enjoy your posts Taryn. These are so exciting!

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

So much said, so simply. Nice!