Thursday, October 27, 2011

"The King And I" by Deborah Nell

"The King And I" by Deborah Nell
16"x 20" watermedia on Yupo paper
This was painted yesterday in about 30 minutes. I had a little time before I had to see some clients. Was so delighted that the first attempt was successful. My sister Andrea in California named the painting. She saw it on facebook and made that suggestion. It fits.
You can see more of my work at
I also have my work displayed at Carroll Art Center in Westminster, MD. I'm one of 10 artists in a Show called "Full Figure" The Show runs till November 16th.


Debra Kreiger said...

Wow! Don't you just love it when things just come together so quick! Beautiful!

Unknown said...

This is beautiful, Deborah, but when I saw it in person today at the gallery, I love it even more. The colors are fantastic!

Deborah Nell said...

Thank you both. Yes, it is wonderful when things come together quickly. Doesn't always happen that way though. That's probably a good thing.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I would love to see this in person - even here I can see the richness of texture. Wonderful work, Deb!

Deborah Nell said...

Thank you Claire. It is at the Hanover Area Arts Guild for the Fall Show. Opens tomorrow.