Thursday, October 13, 2011

GOLDEN FIELDS By Cecelia Lyden

oil/stretched canvas


While driving on 81 to Carlisle, I passed these beautiful golden fields of soybeans. Luckily, I noted a nearby exit and left 81 on my way back. I drove around till I found this barn and field, situated between 81 and the Turnpike-this lovely oasis surrounded by constant traffic. I asked a fellow plein air artist to return to the spot the next morning to capture this scene. It was the only time, between 9 and 12, that the sun would be partly out. The clouds were forcasted to cover the sky around 12 and they did. In fact, no sun was scheduled to appear for the whole week. It has been raining for 2 days and I am guessing that those golden fields are no longer golden. Pein air painting is all about "Carpe Diem".


Mary Beth Brath said...

Oh - I really like the way you handled the field. It is great to see your photo and painting together. Great work!

Julie Riker said...

So glad you took advantage of this beautiful day and beautiful view. The golden fields are lovely against the purple mountains!

Unknown said...

Cecelia, I like the one which shows your work in progress. True colors there. Lovely

Debra Kreiger said...

Very nice Cecelia! Love the colors in the painting and the story!