Thursday, October 20, 2011

Finishing of kiwi underpainting by Tatiana Myers

I feel that I finished working on underpainting for this kiwi. This photo can do only partial judgment to what it look like now, it does appear more neutral, but yes - you can still see all primary color glazes.
I have to stop now and let it dry for a few days. Then I'll be back to it with local color (oil). However, if extra correction will be needed, I always can bring back some more tempera. Not sure if it will be needed.
Now I better get busy with something else and forget about it. It is a part of the game.
********************************* be continued.....

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Dianne Lorden said...

I enjoy seeing this stage. As I studied it to see the glazes, it started to appear more and more complete. Maybe my eyes were joining in the process ... it looks almost done, in a way! I look forward to the progression.

Mary Beth Brath said...

I am also really enjoying this work in progress. I have been thinking how laborious this process is compared to an alla prima plein air painting. How wonderful to be able to get a peak into your process. Great Posts Tatiana!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Dianne! It should look almost done now... this is why I can tell myself to stop. After all possible corrections, last tempera layer should leave it almost perfect. And when you can clearly see it - it is a time to start with color (not to say I did the perfect job here, but doubtful I can do with this better, unless I started all over again).

Mary Beth, my schedule is not very favorable for Plein Air painting, but I can put together some time for studio work and enjoy it. I'm glad you, ladies, enjoying it with me together. I hope it will get only better from this point.