Thursday, October 20, 2011

Original Plein Air
Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

'Fall Glory'
Oil on Linen Panel
10 x 8

This past Saturday, a group of artists met up
 to paint at the beautiful Blue Hound Farm in Lewisberry, PA.
Mary Beth Brath and Brownyn Hughes arranged the event,
which included a tour of the farm before we started to paint,
refreshments and a delicious supper and then a critique of our
day's work by Cathy Mabius.  It was an absolutely
delightful day - full of laughs because of the mishaps
caused by the gusty winds, as well as the antics of the
various farm animals!

This is the first painting I worked on - of a glorious tree out
in the field.  The wind was relentless - had to hold on to the
easel to keep it steady.  As I was getting ready to transfer
my painting to my carrier,  the wind ripped it out of my
hands and sent it sailing!  Thankfully it landed face up,
but it did get a small smear and some dirt on the way...
I fixed the smear and left the dirt alone so that I could just
wipe it off once the painting had dried.

Here are some pictures from our day...

This domestic turkey circled me the entire time I was working on 
my second painting.  He would posture, and then when he was
behind me he would start to drum his feathers.  I worried
for a while...but then just realized he was only another art critic!

After having her easel blown over by the strong winds,
Sharon Benner used her 'studio' in her van.
She told me that this is how she paints in the winter -
it is quite a cozy set-up!

Deb Kreiger working on a beautiful painting of
the lane into the farm.

Cathy Mabius painting out in the fields.

Mary Beth was able to find some shelter from the
wind by setting up near one of the barns.

Clare Klaum was also painting the view of the lane
and its row of beautifully colored trees.

Brownyn Hughes worked by the barn where the
brown cow with her calf were located.

Susan braved the winds out in the open, and had
some tape to help hold things steady!

Mary Beth's son Andrew really enjoyed this
adorable puppy.  I have to say that it was the most
mellow Jack Russell terrier I have ever encountered,
and I would have loved to have taken him home with me...
although I am sure that my cat would NOT have approved...

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell
Member of:


Andy Smith, artist ~ watercolors said...

You all almost make this look fun...

Dianne Lorden said...

Your painting is absolutely beautiful, and your collection of photos is so much fun - it's great to see all of you at work! - Dianne

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

It is - you should join us some time, Andy!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thanks so much Dianne! Miss seeing you.

Mary Beth Brath said...

It was a great day. This was planned really fast. We will do this again in 2012. Probably one at Blue Hound Farm and if the Olson's agree, we will do an event at Windmill Creek Studios in Port Royal also.

Taryn Day said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for the windy stories and the pictures. Love your tree painting, and I'm glad the turkey was only posturing!

Unknown said...

It all looks so great! Thanks for the pictures and the narratives on each one.
Fun times, I'm sure.

Debra Kreiger said...

It was an awesome day! So much to paint! Thanks for the pictures Claire!