Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Feast by Barbara Durbin

I have been having a difficult time with the background. I started lighter, went darker, and then lighter again. I'm back to darker with lighter washes. All that washing on a watercolor means I'm done for awhile and my edges are going to have to be cleaned up afterwards and my green stems lightened. I really didn't see this piece creating this much trouble when I started. Ugh.


Donna said...

I think it's beautiful.

Unknown said...

Barbara. I feel the same way with some of my paintings but when other people see it and give positive comments, it makes the struggle worth while. I love it and the background creates a natural atmoshere.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Hello! Growth comes with the struggles. You obviously worked your way through and came out with a lovely painting. Hope to see you soon!

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

It makes the bird more important. Sometimes we have to see it to know if it will work. A chance we take... a journey we make.