Monday, October 24, 2011

10th Ward Yellow, 32 x 42, Ron Donoughe

Pittsburgh has a particular style of architecture.  Some areas have skinny row houses that are packed together on steep hillsides. This is the case with the 10th Ward of the city. You can sense the claustrophobic environment in this alleyway painting I did last week.  To think I once drove through these places only to get somewhere else, never really seeing just how interesting they were.


blah said...

Love this! Another really wonderful work!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Incredible! I love the way the thin shafts of light coming from between the houses create shadows on the road. I can only imagine how amazing this must look in real life, and at actual size, Ron.

Taryn Day said...

Yes, very interesting and a great subject for artists. It reminds me of Manyunk, Philadelphia, where I lived for a while.

Dianne Lorden said...

This is just marvelous, Ron. Makes me want to work on our alleys. (Some of them are actually charming;some not so much.) You've captured something beautiful in what is very commonplace.