Friday, September 23, 2011

Mr. and Mrs. Mallard by Dianne Lorden

This pair of ducks - which I photographed at Boiling Spring, Pa., last May - is finished. They were floating together, but not as close as in my pastel. In moving them in, I took both their reflections along, of course, but realize the water may have appeared differently had the ducks actually been this close together. So, I used my imagination around the edges of the reflections, trying to "knit" together a believable surface. Funny the tricky things that don't occur to you until your into the process!
I think this will be the piece I hang that the Adams County Arts Council's grand opening celebration of the new building (Washington Street, Gettysburg) planned for next month.
View my artwork at South Mountain Sketchbook.


Kathy Michels said...

They are darling - I love it! You did a wonderful job tying it all in together. If you hadn't mentioned it I never would have know. I love the beautiful reflections.

Unknown said...

Cute couple! The detail on the feathers is really good especially on the female.

Julie Riker said...

Reflections are constantly changing, so they are a great way to play with shapes and edges to improve the composition. You have done a wonderful job here!

Unknown said...

Very nice Dianne; you'd give G. Putt a run for his money on this one! (If you know who I mean)

Dianne Lorden said...

Thanks, all! I really appreciate the input.

Christine Marx said...

This is so sweet. What a beautiful piece!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is so charming - I LOVE it!