Friday, September 23, 2011

Backyards, 24x 36, oil, Ron Donoughe

Sorry for the pause in posting. Sometimes life gets in the way. I just moved to a new place that has some interesting views of the city.  The distant downtown buildings are framed by the various backyards textures. It is a classic view and visually describes why this is such an interesting place to live and paint.


Donna said...

Nice painting. I like the cityscape in the background!

blah said...


Cecelia Lyden said...

wonderful arrangement of buildings and backyards and city--a lot of infomation in this painting--Some of us finally got a chance to see your show at the Gov's Residence--Tammy had quite a job removing all the treasures from the first floor, protecting them from the flood. The paintings all escaped and looked great.

Unknown said...

Great depth and perspective!

Taryn Day said...

Love that long stretch of green, the business of the distant scene and the sloping view. Great!

Julie Riker said...

The buildings in the distance really pull you back - wonderful!

Christine Marx said...

You could make any view interesting Ron! I love this...especially the yellow house on the right with the green grass. It's lovely and interesting.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I just want to keep looking at this...what a wonderful painting, Ron.