Sunday, September 18, 2011

Marbleizing Technique by Christine Marx

This is the finished painting from a new technique that I tried out at the conference in Monterey, California a few weeks ago. CW Mundy was the instructor. It was a much looser style than I am used to using but I had a lot of fun and was happy with the finished product!

CW called the technique marbleizing and we used huge brushes with brush strokes full of different unmixed colors. After we laid in the color we used kleenex squares and lightly smacked the painting all-over to slightly smudge the effect. CW said he's been called "the Kleenex artist" in an article written about him!

So, while I don't think I will become a "kleenex" artist it sure is fun to do something new and different in the studio!


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Very neat - and definitely gives a unique texture to the paint! I really like the way the urn reflects the oranges - very nice!

Christine Marx said...

Thank you Claire!

Julie Riker said...

I also love the reflections of the fruit. This is a nice painting, but you are wise to not adopt another painter's technique. It is good to try different things as you are constantly developing your own style.