Sunday, September 18, 2011

DAY'S END ON THE BAY By Cecelia Lyden



It was a supremely beautiful evening that August night-gorgeous sunset , peaceful and serene. My daughter's home is situated on the Chesapeake where the South River runs into the Bay. There are water views on all sides of the house. I was in Annapolis for a few days to help her in her recovery from hip replacement, so I got to take many, many photos both night and day.


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

{{{Sigh...}}} This is breath-taking, Cecelia.


Thank you, Claire--I love your "sigh".

Mary Beth Brath said...

I wish I was there right now. Lovely use of color!

Linda said...

Beautiful! I've seen sunsets like this. Your clouds and the pier make it extra interesting.

Julie Riker said...

Gorgeous color in the sky and reflections on the water.

Jane Ramsey said...

Wow, what a beautiful view. And gorgeous painting!

Donna said...

I love this painting!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Thank you everyone--I can't tell you how beautiful and how fleeting this cloud formation was--thank Heavens I had my camera with me.

Taryn Day said...

Gorgeous is the best word for this (I think I'm the third person using it here)! I love the soft way you've painted the dock- nice contrast with the bold sunset.