Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Leap of Faith" by Taryn Day

oil on panel

Here is my nephew Oakley making the 25 foot jump down into the Casco Bay.  This image brings to my mind the two months of travel in Israel my 18 year old son has planned.  He is still wet behind the ears, but craves adventure, independence and...maybe...danger.  Meanwhile I just can't get rid of the lump in my throat.  He leaves next week.
To see more of my work visit:
My Daily Paintworks Gallery
Awake and Painting Blog
Taryn Day Fine Art


Unknown said...

Oh Taryn, I can feel your angst about his leaving for Israel. I have a client who is there now visiting her family. This is a very nice piece and I love your composition.
Love those blues!

Autumn Leaves said...

I don't suppose your son would be content with just looking at this beautiful painting to get all the sense of adventure he needs? I'd be with you on the lump in the throat, mom.

Had to comment because my daughter just had a baby girl that she named Oakley. I'd never heard of it as a first name but love it. Imagine my surprise to now know of another Oakley in the world!


Nothing but best wishes for you and your son--
This is another wonderful action painting--your quick, sure brush work lends itself so well for this painting. Great figure work as well.

Jane Ramsey said...

Wonderful color and love the depth... you really captured the "leap." Wishing your son safe travels...hang in there!

Taryn Day said...

Thanks Jane, Cecelia, Autumn Leaves and Linda. He needs to do this, but right now the situation in Israel is riskier than it has been for a while. If only he would take my concerns seriously!

Julie Riker said...

Another wonderful light-filled painting - I love the cool tones in the figure.
This painting makes me think of being a child. In those days I would just jump right in the water. Now there is a careful testing of the temperature and slow submerging of each body part - and even then I sometimes don't get my head under!
It seems that as we get older we stick to things that (we think) are "safe".
I admire your son's leap of faith. I hope he returns with a lifetime of memories.

Ron Donoughe said...

These are great Taryn. I'm enjoying the movement and yes I too struggle with working from photos. But now after painting outdoors for many years, I feel like it only adds to the studio work.

Taryn Day said...

Thanks Julie and Ron. Julie, yes I agree completely- there is something so wonderful about being young a fearless.