Friday, September 16, 2011

An Inspirational Opening! by Amy Lindenberger

The second half of the summer proved to be incredibly busy for me. I almost cannot believe it is September as I type this. I've really been a slacker as far as looking at the blog, commenting on others' posts, or doing my own posting, but finally have found a quiet moment to get back in the groove.

And the first new post I want to make relates to the Reflections: Homage to Dunkard Creek exhibition I posted about on July 20 (please refer to that post for the complete background about the exhibition). The opening reception was held one week ago in Morgantown, WV, at the Jackson Kelly Gallery, and -- as you can see from my photos above, hopefully -- played to a packed house! It was absolutely incredible viewing the works of 90 different artists, all created to commemorate one of the species that died tragically in the alien algae bloom event set off by the combination of chemical mine wastes and low water. For updated information about the exhibition including a short, poignant video about the Dunkard Creek disaster and a very nice newspaper article, please be sure and visit . (If the blog splits this url into two parts, you may have to cut and paste in your browser for the link to work. )

When I originally posted the piece I created for this exhibition, Ghost Shiners of Dunkard Creek, and gave the full details, several of you commented that Governor Corbett should be invited to view this exhibition to impress upon him the need for strict controls over hydraulic fracturing, which I thought was an excellent suggestion! The exhibition is currently scheduled to travel to a few locations in western PA and there's talk that it may go to the Three Rivers Art Festival next June. As yet, I don't believe Gov. Corbett has been invited, since the exhibition organizer, Ann Payne, is from WV. If anyone knows the most effective way to go about sending such an invitation, or if anyone has any leads on locations in Harrisburg or central PA that might be interested in hosting an exhibition of these works, thereby increasing the chances that Gov. Corbett might see it, please let me know. I would be interested in helping this action come to fruition!


Dianne Lorden said...

Amy, looks like it was a great event; how wonderful! Best of luck with finding help on the invitation for the Governor. I'm really looking forward to your fall ACAC classes!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

What a fantastic exhibit, Amy. Hope you can get the Governor to come see this significant body of work.