Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Early September"Abstract Landscape By Donna Holdsworth ~Portage, PA~

This contemporary landscape painting is done on 20x24 wood panel.  Lots of texture.  Painted with Golden acrylics. View hanging via Link:  Donna Holdsworth Contemporary Art.  Thank you!


Unknown said...

Welcome to the DPP. There is a warmth to your painting and for me has even an ethereal quality about it with the light coming from the focal point. It's as if that was a doorway. The textures really stand out.

Cecelia Lyden said...

I applaud your imagination and courage to create an expressive work using colors and textures. As a representational artist, I rely on things in front of me--I love those things, but I need them for inspiration. I also love non- representational work and have tried a few times to create them--I come close but not good enough. I lookk forward to viewing more of your paintings.

Donna said...

Thank you!

Dianne Lorden said...

Donna, this is way cool. It feels mysterious!

Julie Riker said...

Very lovely and as Linda says it looks as if it is radiating light.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is beautiful Donna, and reminds me of one of my favorite books - 'Green Mansions' by W.H. Hudson.