Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Almost October by David Bottini

What a wonderful few weeks - several exhibits and some good travel for art and wandering through locales I hope to preserve as art.
(Top) Study from last year's terrific snowy winter - planning to move to a very large scale painting.
Newest piece (48 X 36") - sold to a collector before it was completed
- shipped out west yesterday : )


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Both are absolutely stunning David - that winter scene is especially beautiful!

belle said...

they are lovely. i love the bottom one, nice effect.

Taryn Day said...

Beautiful- so peaceful and ethereal. I'd love to see them in person sometime.

Bottini - Classic Realist Landscape said...

Thank you, Claire and also Belle. I like the warm and cool contrast between the two seasonal palletes.

Thanks, Taryn. Let me know if your travels take you to DC, Santa Fe, or Philly - - I can tell you where my work is represented - I would enjoy hearing what you think.

blah said...

Really wonderful!

Taryn Day said...

I'll be in Philly towards the end of October.

James F. Smith said...

Love both of them!!!

Christine Marx said...

These are stunning David! The fall leaves are amazing...I can almost smell the air!

Debra Kreiger said...

Really awesome David! Congrats on your sale! That's very exciting!

Bottini - Classic Realist Landscape said...

Thank you James - they are a complimentary pair : )

I appreciate your comment, Christine - autumn offers a rich variety of sensations.

Thanks, Debra - selling always puts a smile on my face!
(Snow piece just sold today - different gallery : )