Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pepperazzi Watercolor Still Life w/Peppers by Daily Painter Bertie Brown - Art is Instrumental


original watercolor still life/peppers: 14" x 11

and this is the question

can I toss intention

and renounce all strife

at this stage of life?

could I, if you please

watch daytime TV

munch croissants with cheese

sip Long Isle Iced Teas

would I, do you see

be happy with ease??

seems I have this need

to paint what I see

the pepper-azzi, it seems

have indeed surrounded me!


Watercolors by Bertie Brown - Art is Instrumental

for info click: email


1 comment:

Mary Beth Brath said...

I always love the colors in your paintings, but this one really hits me. The poem is equally colorful and fun.