Wednesday, August 24, 2011

'Apple Study" By Debra Tritt Kreiger

"Apple Study" 10"x8" Oil on linen canvas

I had a wonderful private oil painting lesson with Claire Carnell this week. I haven't painted in oils in years and I just wanted to give it a go. I really enjoyed painting this apple. Claire lovingly clipped apples and pears off the trees stems, leaves and all! This fellow made the grade. We had a good time painting together. I'm very pleased with the results! And I'm very thankful for my dear artist friends!


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I had so much fun with you up in my studio on Monday, Deb. I am so impressed with how easily you transitioned between the two different mediums - it is a testament to your talent as an artist. Hope you'll come back up to the studio to paint again!

(For those of you who don't know, Deb and I did some true bartering utilizing our art: I gave Deb a private oil painting session, and in return I received her beautiful watercolor painting 'Pink Rose' - which I loved the moment I saw it! I personally think I got the better part of this deal...)

Unknown said...

This is a really nice painting Deb; but it doesn't surprise me. You are a talented artist and have made a great start back into oil painting.

Claire is a wonderful mentor and teacher! Love her!

Autumn Leaves said...

So gorgeous and how envious I am that you got to paint with Claire!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Way to work as a team! This is what makes our group stand out! Gorgeous painting Deb!

Debra Kreiger said...

Thanks! I really do feel we all are a team Mary Beth. Good energy and wishes for everyone equals awesome creativity.

Bertie Brown said...

I love the stem and leaves, Deb! A great oil painting study....but don't leave those watercolors behind!

Julie Riker said...

Wonderful work and I hope you do more oils.