Tuesday, July 19, 2011

by Claire Beadon Carnell
100 Paintings in 100 Days Challenge
'Inspirations from a Back Yard'

I just realized that this is the
200th post I have made to the DPP Blog!
'Lazy Daisy Days of Summer'
Oil on Panel
8 x 6

Day 78

Even though the temperatures here in South Central PA
are in the mid-nineties today, I decided to do a
plein air of some of my flowers...from under the shade
of my back porch.  Not only did it keep me out from the
intense heat of the blaring sun, but I was only about
ten steps away from my kitchen where air-conditioning,
and ice and water were easily accessed - a
definite plus in this heat!

My mother and her mother were both avid gardeners, and
I'd have to say that I inherited that gardening gene.  There isn't a flower
out in my yard that I don't admire and appreciate - from the
roses and lilies, to the simple clover in the grass.  Daisies have
always been appealing to me because of their fresh, clean
look - they always brighten up the flower beds!

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell
Member of:


Bertie Brown said...

now that's the way to do plein air! those daisies are so friendly, they must be liking this heat!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

More than I was, Bertie. Kept running into to house to cool off and drink water!

Sunny said...

Congrats on your 200th post Claire. I love your paintings!