Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Into The Light" by Tatiana Myers. Finished!

"Into The light" 
Egg tempera and Oil on board. 12 x 9" 
Now  I finally called this painting finished.
 It was one of those works what I just can just keep going and gong.
But sometime it should be right time to stop, even perhaps you could do more with it...
Now the only "more" part I have to do - varnish it and frame it... sometime.
Perhaps take few better pictures of it to...
As for now I just have to leave it along and let it dry.
I also will have to start shopping for frame, what is always fun part.


Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Wow, love the contrast and light.

Ron Donoughe said...

Your paintings just keep getting better.

Ron Donoughe said...

I just love the way you arranged this painting. The light is really dramatic

Susan Roux said...

These just jump out at you! Egg tempera. The magic white medium! Spectacular!

Unknown said...

Just Beautiful, Tatiana! I love the dramatic light that creates such depth.

Bertie Brown said...

Drama Queens indeed! A wonderful composition...beautifully executed!

Bertie Brown said...

Drama Queens indeed! A wonderful composition...beautifully executed!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Maria!
Glad You like it Ron!
Susan, Charlotte, Bertie - thank You!
I like this sort of dramatic lightened floral compositions, but I'm jut starting to try those on my own... Still like it! Hopefully will do more.. and better.

Julie Riker said...

This is beautiful Tatiana. There is a wonderful graphic quality to the shadow which intrigues me.

Cecelia Lyden said...

I agree with all and I just love the beautiful bluish color of the flowers.

Deborah Nell said...

All I can say is Wow! You have painted this to perfection. The composition, the lighting speaks of beauty and drama. Great job.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Fantastic as usual Tatiana. Hope to see it in person!

Tatiana said...

Julie, Cecelia, Deborah and Mary Beth - thank You, ladies!...
Mary Beth, I might show it locally, not sure what will happen, all depends. Right now it needs to dry. Then I will need to frame it. then we will see. But you always can get a sneak pick when it will be safe to carry out... In a few weeks, perhaps. This work is done with no drying accelerators, so it will take a while to cure it.