Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Daily Painters of Pennsylvania at Gallerie 13 on First Friday of July

The Daily Painters of Pennsylvania
photo by John Pitman

Left to right:  Debra Tritt Kreiger, Linda Young, Dianne Lorden, Deborah Nell, Linda Benton Mc Closkey, Steve Wetzel, Pat Koscienski, Christine Marx, Phillip Krivenko, Mary Beth Brath, Claire Beadon Carnell, Julie Riker, Tatiana Myers, Thom Glace. 

Others who were not present in this picture but are a part of this exhibit are:  Jennifer VonStein, Susan Gray, Bertie Brown, Madeline Reilly, Taryn Day, Cecelia Lyden, Charlotte Yealey, Michael LeKites, Barbara Durbin, Patricia Griffin, Christine Goldbeck)

Hopefully, I have the individuals listed correctly but if I don't please post the correction and I'll make the change.


Autumn Leaves said...

What a huge bunch of talent all in one photo! You all amaze me with your work and it is nice to put faces with names!

Debra Kreiger said...

It was a very nice night. I love loved seeing and talking with everyone. The artist and art work are awesome in person! Thank you Mary Beth and everyone who helped put the show together.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Brownyn Hughes hung most of the show. She is awesome. This is a wonderful photo. Thanks Linda for posting and please thank your husband for taking the photo. Also, thank you to everyone for pulling together to make this a success. Installation and removal at the Capitol Building all went very well. Thank you for the bouquet of flowers. I have them in my bedroom.

Tatiana said...

Sherry, with quality of paintings this second show came out even more strong compare to our first one (what was great too!). Lot of wonderful paintings and also it was so good to see that most of artists took effort and attended reception! Some of us never met each other before and it was a good opportunity to do it person! Once again - thank You to Mary beth and all those people who help to make it happen!

Dianne Lorden said...

It was really a very nice night. The show - and the entire gallery -looked wonderful. As I was leaving Gallerie 13, I passed two friends (named Sharon and Lorraine) who are with the New Oxford autumn festival; they were on their way in to share info with the artists about a plein air/scavanger hunt event planned in October. Sounds cool!

Pat Koscienski said...

Thanks, again, Mary Beth for the great job you are doing with DPP. The reception was great and it was nice to visit with all the artists. A great exhibit!

Julie Riker said...

It was great to see everyone - both familiar friends and new faces. Thanks to Mary Beth and all who participated. We have a strong group with DPP.

Bertie Brown said...

You all look mahvelous! and those paintings look pretty great too!

Deborah Nell said...

It was an honor to be surrounded with such talented artists. Thank you again Mary Beth for all your hard work in making this exhibit such a success.