Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Busy studio - new paintings underway - David Bottini

Been enjoying both the weather (wanderings and being sequestered in the studio) and the energy that precedes some busy months ahead.

Several new paintings underway - both new studies as I get-to-know subjects and refinements of subjects I have worked through earlier iterations.

Photos show some large paintings underway {odd angle - one is laying flat in pic} as well as two studies - one complete and one nearing resolution.

(Upcoming: part of a group exhibit in CC Philly in Aug., featured artist exhibit in Sept. - first local exhibit in over a year)


Cecelia Lyden said...

Speaking of energy, David--your painting oozes vitality and energy-very nice.

Christine Marx said...

The colors of the blossoms and dappled light on the grass of the first painting are quite beautiful.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Hi David - give us the information on your upcoming exhibits. Great photos in your post and inspiring for all.

Debra Kreiger said...

Lots going on David. Looks Great!