Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Work in Progress - by Mary Beth Brath

Almost finished, but need an opinion. Is the reflection on the wall off to the right distracting?  I am thinking about removing it and just play up the brushwork a little.  I painted this from a photo and the flash caused the reflection on the wall.

The colors in my digital image came out a little dark and greenish.  The buffet is quarter sawn oak from the 1920's. This fall I plan to install a lighting system in my home studio which should help with my digital image problems.


Taryn Day said...

Mary Beth, I like the strong abstracted shape in the upper right of this piece. It all fits together nicely, and I don't find anything distracting.

Kathy Michels said...

It looks beautiful. The shape of the reflection also seems to move your eyes back to those wonderful deserts. I think it really works in this piece. I love it!

Julie Riker said...

I agree - nothing distracts me here. This painting, for me, has a whimsical/nostalgic feeling to it, maybe because of the subject matter and vintage dishes. The curvy shapes in the background just add to that effect.
I think it's ready for it's big trip to NY.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Thanks for the compliments. I may have it with me on Friday night at our reception.