Sunday, June 26, 2011

Preparing for New York by Daily Painter of Pennsylvania Mary Beth Brath

I have been working on my Confections Series over the past week. Way tooooo much fun.  These paintings are in various states of completion.  Almost ready to pull them together to varnish.  I am thinking about using floater frames for these.

I will be filling 3 panels that are 8x8' at the Brooklyn Waterfront Artist Coalition.  It is recommended that I have 8 pieces on each panel.  The Confection Series is just 1 panel.  I will actually have more than 8 ready, but I will choose my favorites.  I hang the show on July 9th.  The reception is July 16th, just 3 days before my birthday.

Another panel will show a selection of my landscapes.  The 3rd panel is coming along, but I will post about that in the coming week.

What a month - plein air painting like mad and now locked in my studio doing still life.


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

You go, girl! These are looking wonderful. I hope you take lots of pictures of your exhibit up in Brooklyn, and that you post some here. This is so exciting!

Unknown said...

They make me want to take a bite of each one. Good luck and many sales to you in NY

Bertie Brown said...

Woo hoo,,,and have fun!
NY NY here come you come!

Ron Donoughe said...

Best to you on this adventure Mary Beth!

Julie Riker said...

Best wishes Mary Beth!

Elissa Gore said...

These look good! A frame like a whitman sampler box? Wish I could be there to cheer you on, but my pom poms will be parked upstate cheering on a dear friend at her first show in a number of years.

MadisonLee said...

Yummy!!! My mouth started watering looking at the pictures.... You have done a great job... I liked your paintings...

Adam said...

Nice work Mary Beth! Is this all going towards a solo exhibition or something?