Monday, June 27, 2011

Logan Circle 2, 16 x 20, by Ron Donoughe

Last weekend I delivered three paintings to Gallery Plan B in Washington D.C. for the exhibition, Local Color. The show opens July 28. This is another architectural study from my series on Logan Circle. It is really fun to walk the streets and see how many great buildings have been preserved.


Unknown said...

very nice, Ron.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Great Painting Ron. I wish you success in DC!

Julie Riker said...

Wonderful light and I love how you indicated the architectural details.

Autumn Leaves said...

To me this is fabulously beautiful. I'm always drawn (no pun intended) to homes with this type of character and old architecture. What a great job, Ron!

Taryn Day said...

The way you've cropped the building plus the lovely complementary color scheme gives this painting a lot of impact.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Wonderful light and shadows - I always get the sense that I can feel the atmosphere around the things you paint, Ron.