Sunday, June 19, 2011

Limited Palette, Maria Kovalenko Leysens

This is a demo from a class I did focusing on a limited palette. 
I used titanium white in some of the washes
and used many layers.
It is not a traditional use of watercolor, but fun to do.
 I had the students look for big areas and do detail only in the very end. 
Watercolor, 11 x 14 inches


Bertie Brown said...

Wow! I love it, Maria!

Mary Beth Brath said...

What a treat to see your post. Love the artwork as usual.

wandamarie said...

I love how this turned out, Maria. It's a different technique for you, but your wonderful style is front and center. Great painting. The one I started of Grandma and Grandpa Wiestendorfer still hasn't received a second layer of paint and "attention". The in progress painting looks cute perched on a dining room chair, though!