Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cherries Again by Phillip Krivenko

It’s amazing what you can paint using very few brush strokes. During the past nine years of teaching classes, I have developed a quick painterly stroke due to helping my students. During face-time with each student,  I would apply quick general strokes to demonstrate values and color. I did not know at the time,   it would develop as part of my style.  Thank you, to all who attended my art classes. 
Looking forward to meeting our members on July 1st.


Mary Beth Brath said...

Love the colors in this one Phillip.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

These look Luscious!

Ron Donoughe said...

Nice and crisp. Love the stems and how they break up the dark mass.

Unknown said...

I agree with Claire... Luscious!

Taryn Day said...

Very nice. I like your decisiveness.