Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Art of the State

Last Saturday was the opening reception for Art of the State.  My "Irises" painting which I have posted here before was accepted into the show, and several Daily Painters also have work represented.
The exhibit is on display at the William Penn Museum in Harrisburg  through September 11.  It is a great show with a large variety of incredible work, including some amazing paintings.  If you have a chance to go see it you will find it worth the trip, but if you are not able to make it to Harrisburg here is a link to view photos of all the artwork.



Mary Beth Brath said...

Thanks for posting this Julie!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thanks, Julie - I checked it out, and what a variety of great art!

Ron Donoughe said...

That's a really strong painting Julie, Congrats ! I also entered but got the rejection notice. That always keeps an artist humble.who h is probably a good thing. I've learned not to take it personally. ;)

Julie Riker said...

Thanks Ron! And definitely don't take it personally. Your work is fantastic. Though I tried to see artistry in all the works, there were a few head scratchers for me. The handful of representational pieces were quite amazing, and there was a lot of photography. It is just one judge's opinion.