Wednesday, June 15, 2011

American Society of Traditional Artists membership. Annonsment by Tatiana Myers.

I was waiting for a while to make an announcement that based on revue of my art work I became a member of American Society of Traditional Artists (ASTA). And now, after Society web site was officially updated and I can see my name there I finally can say:" Yes! I'm in!"
It is a real thrill for me to be able exhibit my art work together with  so  talented artists as founders and  members of ASTA .
So much look forward too! I better go back to my painting and I better start painting really well!..


blah said...

Congratulations! I think that is really cool!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Michael!

Unknown said...

Congratulation, Tatiana! This is quite an honor!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Charlotte!