Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rockville Morning by Julie Riker

8x16 oil on canvas

Several years ago, I met Ralph Hocker at the Mechanicsburg Art Center and he invited me to join his plein air painting group.  It was a small informal group of a handful of artists who met weekly to share their love of painting and the outdoors.  We painted at a boat launch in Marysville and I remember it was a gray cloudy morning, but the sun started peeking around the mountain as we were working.  That day I met several other talented artists...Mary Beth Brath, Jim Henry, Pat Koscienski...this group eventually became the Susquehanna Valley Plein Air Painters.
This little painting will be showing at the Landis House in Newport as part of the Perry County Council of the Art's "Waterways of Central PA" show of plein air work.  The show opens on January 14 and runs through March 4.

If you would like to see more of my work please visit my website


Mary Beth Brath said...

Wow - I remember this day. I was painting a scene of the Lady Liberty Statue which is located up the river. Sue Gray and Dick Neff were there also. Hope the show at Landis House is a huge success. I know the work will be stunning.

Unknown said...

Beautiful painting, Julie. Good luck with the show.

Autumn Leaves said...

Such a gorgeous scene!

Dianne Lorden said...

It's a lovely painting, Julie. I especially like the bit of creamy yellow in sky and water; uplifts the entire scene and offers contrast. I'm sure the show will go well ... good for you!

Debra Kreiger said...

Stunning! I love it..

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is a beautiful painting, Julie. The colors are so tranquil and inviting.

Ron Donoughe said...

Love the use of gray Julie.