Monday, January 17, 2011

Musically Inclined Series Abstract Musical Motif Watercolors by Pennsylvania Daily Painter Bertie Brown - Art is Instrumental

Musically Inclined/More Play
original watercolor abstract musical motif /horn: 11" x 11'
Musically Inclined/String Fling
original watercolor abstract musical motif/violins: 9"w x 11"h

Musically Inclined/Just Play

original watercolor abstract musical motif/horn: 11" x 11"

Just Play

Sophie and I

are through with restraint

we’re set up and eager

to throw down some paint

our free style technic

lets happy accidents speak

and then just like that

we shout out hoo-ray!

some instruments came our way

and sat down to play!


Watercolors by Bertie Brown - Art is Instrumental

info at: email


1 comment:

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I like the flow of color in these, Bertie. It reminds me of the notes of music flowing together in perfect harmony.