Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lady Liberty of the Susquehanna River by Mary Beth Brath

Lady Liberty of the Susquehanna River
12x9" Acrylic on Canvas Panel
This is the other painting that I re-worked this week to start off the new year. The scene is from a Marysville PA boat launch. I thought I was finished with this painting on site a few years ago, but it haunted me in my studio until last week. I made the strokes bolder and punched up the sky.


Julie Riker said...

Love this painting Mary Beth - wonderful composition draws your eye right to the statue. Was this the same day as the one I posted of the bridge? It looks like the same sky.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Yes it is the same day. I added some shapes for clouds. The orginal painting was the same colors, but very soft.

Unknown said...

I bet this one is even nicer "in person". You plein air painters have it made! Nice.

hmuxo said...

Beautiful painting Mary Beth!!

Thom Glace said...

I am starting a new commission of a similar scene to donate to the opening of the new Center for Independent Living location in Newport. The painting is to be made into a poster and print for additional fund raising.

That said- your painting is a BEAUTIFUL inspiration to me to paint the Susquehanna today!

Wonderful painting!