Monday, January 10, 2011

"Curious" By Debra Tritt Kreiger

"Curious" 15"x11" watercolor on 140lb paper

Just finished! One of my favorite things is painting a still life. I was setting up one morning with a wonderful morning light and my second favorite subject appeared on the scene. After reviewing my photographs I decided to paint both. I think it made a more interesting still life. What do you think?

To contact me about the purchase of this painting or see more of my work go to or follow my blog at or you can shop in my new store, Deb's Gifts


Unknown said...

Deb, I like the whole painting; cat as well as fruit is well done.

Unknown said...

Deb, I just love it. The cat is perfect as are the apples. The composition is intriguing-will the cat roll the apples off the ledge? I say yes.

Dianne Lorden said...

Yes, the gorgeous cat certainly lends a whole new (mew?)dimension to this not-so-still life. It's great! And the apples are particularly beautiful.

Debra Kreiger said...

And Charlotte you are so right! He rolled them off the table! Painting mishaps! Thanks to all for the positive comments.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I just saw this up on Facebook, and I swear it looks even better here on the DPP blog! This is such a wonderful painting, Deb - it is so full of 'story'.

Cecelia Lyden said...


Julie Riker said...

Love it!

Mary Beth Brath said...

I think the same as Claire - it is full of 'story'. I find myself staring into the painting as if it is a video and imagine the paw reaching out to touch the fruit. Wonderful work Deb.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Fun subject wonderfully done.

Thom Glace said...

The invasion of the still life!
What a wonderful spark of inspiration!
And a beautiful painting too!

Ron Donoughe said...

Isn't it interesting what can happen when we are open to the moment. Who was it that said, "chance favors the prepared mind". Pasteur?

hmuxo said...

Beautiful painting!!