Monday, November 15, 2010

Marbled Orb Weaver watercolor by Linda Young

Marbled Orb Weaver
4-1/4 x 4-1/4"  Watercolor
Linda Young artist

At the corner of my home, this beautifully colored spider was living this Fall in a pink dogwood tree and built her web from there to a small spruce tree.  Her beautiful, bright coloring and striking black, white and orange-red striped legs were something I had to paint.  Whatever passed through the wide passageway of her lair would most certainly become entangled and would be cuccooned and saved for a later snack.  When I saw her, she already had a pretty good supply of gnats for that day's feast.  She remained there in the same location for many weeks and must have been content with the location of her home.  She also had an abundant supply of water if she needed it from the pond or from the rain gutter.  

The weather is much colder now and I haven't seen her around; I'm assuming she's gone back into the underground.  When Spring arrives I'll see if she returns.

Linda Young Watercolors website


Unknown said...

Linda, this is beautiful! The spider is so colorful and the web fantastic.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Yes, I agree. This is wonderful. How did you do the web?

Unknown said...

Thank you Charlotte and Maria. The web was done with liquid masque and a pin. I didn't know it would even work until all the layers were painted and the masque was removed. I couldn't even see where I was putting it.

Cecelia Lyden said...

My Word, but you are so creative and talented.

Mary Beth Brath said...

You have captured the beauty of the spider. Color and texture is found in all of God's creations.

Deborah Nell said...

This is a very stunning painting. I agree you truly have captured the beauty of the spider. Love the black and white in the legs.

Unknown said...

Thank you Cecelia, Mary Beth and Deborah. I think those legs are what I first saw when I nearly walked right into it's web and her at my eye level! I'm glad I didn't get tangled in it and got her picture instead.

Debra Kreiger said...

Every little creature is precious, even a spider. I love the fact that you took time to watch her and then paint her. Skillfully done Linda!

Bertie Brown said...

Great, Linda...I've got to try masking fluid again....I've not had much success with it.