Monday, November 15, 2010

Plein Air
by Claire Beadon Carnell

'Hanging On'
Oil on Linen
9 x 12

This is a repost of the painting I did
last week when our plein air group, the Susquehanna Valley
Plein Air Painters, painted at the juncture where the
Letort Creek flows into the Conodoguinet.
I finally got a decent photograph, and decided to
retitle the painting...

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.


Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

This tree seems very determined to stay. I like the way you handled the leave of this bright tree.

Dianne Lorden said...

It is a very fitting title, and the colors are really vibrant. I like the way the shape of the bank creates such a unique form. It's really eye-catching!