Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Burton Windsor Road by Daily Painter of Pennsylvania Mary Beth Brath

Burton Windsor Road
8x10" Acrylic on Board
Sold through the Vancura Gallery in Middlefield Ohio

This is the other painting that sold last month in Ohio. Burton Windsor Road in Geauga County Ohio is one of my favorite locations to explore. Most residents on this road are Amish. The road leads to one of the most quaint little towns in the county - Burton Ohio. The Vancura Gallery is a few miles down the road behind those distant trees.


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is a really beautiful painting, Mary Beth - so no surprise why it sold! I love the way the wildflowers and grasses in the foreground lead your eye up to the focal point.

Deborah Nell said...

I agree this is a lovely painting. Love the purple wildflower. I defintely see why it sold. Congratulations.

Cecelia Lyden said...

Your painting takes us on a sentimental journey over some beautiful territory.

Amy Lindenberger said...

I know the area well, Mary Beth -- I used to participate in a living history event held in Burton on Memorial Day weekend. This is a really gorgeous painting of that countryside!