Tuesday, October 12, 2010


oil on stretched canvas
I do not know anything about fishing[ or fish, sorry Thom], but I do recognize an aesthetic moment when I see one . And when these men showed up at the Yellow Breeches Creek at Allenberry, we artists, with cameras, started snapping photos like crazy. I decided to paint this shot and to paint it in oils. I haven't used oils in a while, but I'm taking a plein air workshop this weekend and the instructor uses oils. I struggled a bit, so I'm glad I decided to practice.


Unknown said...

Yummy, Ceclia! I love this one and it is just beautiful!

Julie Riker said...

Cecelia, I love love love this! Love the colors in the water, and you painted the figure so well (you should consider entering this in the upcoming HAA show "figuratively speaking").
It does not seem to me like you need any help working with oils, but I am sure you will have a fun time at the workshop.

Pat Koscienski said...

Cecelia, great painting. I agree with Julie. This one is a winner.

Pat Koscienski said...

P.S. You should be teaching a class on "painting the figure in the landscape". This is your forte'.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Cecelia - this is fantastic. The light is incredible, and the figure and water are done so masterfully. Absolutely, positively wonderful!

Thom Glace said...

My favorite of yours! and not just because of the subject. I can see the Fly Fisherman actually casting! Water movement great!
6 stars on a 5 star scale!

Debra Kreiger said...

This is terrific! I love the composition and color, and the movement!

Unknown said...

I feel sure Allenberry could sell this one for you. CALC has a rotating exhibit in the Addison Room that this would look great in. I had to come back to your post to drool over this one; everything about it says "winner".

mmontes said...

Cecelia, I think this is a wonderful painting, and you painted it so well; who knew you just started in oils??