Friday, October 8, 2010

Corner of the Garden at King's Gap by Mary Beth Brath

Corner of the Garden at King's Gap
8x10" Acrylic on Canvas
This was blocked in on site during the Harvest Day Festival Paint Out last weekend. I finished the details in my studio this week. I have been so busy with the business side of the art world it was good to finish a painting. I have over a dozen in my studio in various states of completion. I did some framing since I have 2 gallery change outs this week. I love every minute of it.
I now have enough paintings of King's Gap to officially call it a series!
Daily Painter of Pennsylvania Mary Beth Brath


Bertie Brown said...

a lovely corner! there is a nice sense of depth and distance in this work.

Cecelia Lyden said...

A beautifully composed and painted work--wonderful variety of trees--I agree with Bertie --a "nice sense of depth".

Julie Riker said...

I love the color you painted that pink tree. It really pops forward against the cool shadow side of the building.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I really like how you were able to combine the beauty of the mansion as well as the garden at Kings Gap in this, Mary Beth. Most people would totally have missed this incredible vantage point.
This is a terrific painting!