Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chambersburg, PA Miniature art show.

"Foggy Evening"
  4 x 6 ", Pastels on Wallis by Tatiana Myers.

One of my miniatures accepted into Chambersburg 2010.

This month is busy with art shows, dog shows and gallery exchanges... Therefore I'm not posting a lot. My latest news are: two more of my miniature paintings were accepted at one more juried show of miniature art. This time it is 26-th Annual exhibition of Council for the Arts, Chambersburg, PA.
It this year's show: more then 100 artists from all over United States and around 200 of exiting little paintings.  
Opening reception: Friday, November 5, from 4 to 7 PM. 
Show dates:
November 5 - January 8.  
With questions about my art work e-mail me at .

To see more of my paintings visit my web site:


Mary Beth Brath said...

It is always an inspiration to read about your accomplishments. Hope to get a chance to see this one in person.

Cecelia Lyden said...

A little jewel!

blah said...

Wow! Great piece of artwork! Love the colors and the simplicity of it! That is really the trick sometimes, knowing what not to add. I really really love the colors in this. Love those trees against that sky. So peaceful, rich and beautiful. Your horizon line has such a gentle curve to it balancing with the lines of the field. Such an excellent piece!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Mary Beth!
I was pretty sure you did see it... but I guess I'm wrong. the same very work was this winter at show in FL (what is the biggest International show for miniatures). No it will be in Chambersburg for a while.

Thank You, Cecilia!

Thank You, Michael!

I think, Michael, you will like the story behind of this art work... My husband and I belong to the hunting/shooting club in Middletown, PA. This is a view of the field right across from the Club. We went there last summer and I loved that peaceful sunset so much, that took a picture with my phone (no good picture, trust me, just enough to remember). Then I came home and painted it. One of the few paintings I even did from my cellphone reference photos.

Julie Riker said...

Gorgeous little painting Tatiana! I too love the rich coloring. Congratualtions on getting into the show!!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Julie!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

A tiny, exquisite gem, Tatiana.

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Claire!
I always loved to work small. Suits me well and definitely it is in my comfort zone.