Friday, September 3, 2010


on canvas

The sun was hot and bright; the shade, cooler and dark. The zinnias were very colorful and I could not resist painting them contrasted against the dark area behind them. Absent from my painting are the beautiful butterflies. Also missing are the acorns that kept dropping like mini bombs and near missing my head. The many perils of plein aire painting are forgotten once the painting is finished. And cooler days are ahead.


Autumn Leaves said...

Oh so beautiful and what a gorgeous day!

Bertie Brown said...

I love the background trees with the light peeking through

Thom Glace said...

I love this painting! Out of 5 Stars, I give this painting 6 Stars.The shadows, the color of the flowers- the simplistic impression in your brush stokes create a wonderful final result.

Cecelia Lyden said...

Thank you both so much.

Linda Benton McCloskey said...

Cecelia - this painting is one of your best! It's beautiful!

Mary Beth Brath said...

King's Gap garden looks beautiful Cecelia. What a lovely painting.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I know exactly where you were standing to paint this in the garden at Kings Gap, Cecelia. Your beautiful painting makes me feel as though I have been transported there, and I can feel the sun on my skin and hear the buzz of the insects. This is positively magnificent!